Thursday, 17 October 2013


1.Psychic spies from China     (just before song starts, Band Scene – photography room – in completely white bare photog studio, a blank canvas – performers in mono chrome as candy colours come later)
2. Try to steal your mind's elation
3. Little girls from Sweden                       transition - Dream figure (lips and eyes)
4. Dream of silver screen quotations      Different cuts of nails
5. And if you want these kind of dreams
6. It's Californication

7. It's the edge of the world
8. And all of western civilization
9. The sun may rise in the East               Gym scene (weights lifted, yoga poses)
10. At least it settles in the final location
11. It's understood that Hollywood
12. sells Californication

13. Pay your surgeon very well                      
     Mirror scene (playing with cheeks)         
14. To break the spell of aging
15. Celebrity skin is this your chin                  Surgeon (from patients POV, crazy surgeon has stitches for mouth)
16. Or is that war your waging

17.First born unicorn
18. Hard core soft porn              Band scene
19. Dream of Californication
20. Dream of Californication

21. Marry me girl be my fairy to the world Bubble Bath
22. Be my very own constellation
23. A teenage bride with a baby inside  Candy Floss 
24. Getting high on information
25. And buy me a star on the boulevard                 Champagne
26. It's Californication

27. Space may be the final frontier Snapback snatch
28. But it's made in a Hollywood basement
29. Cobain can you hear the spheres
30. Singing songs off station to station     Pimp My Ride scene (number plates, shopping bags, seat covers)
31. And Alderaan's not far away
32. It's Californication

33. Born and raised by those who praise Throwing money out window of car
34. Control of population everybody's been there and Policemen chasing us
35. I don't mean on vacation

Chorus                                   Band scene
36. First born unicorn
37. Hard core soft porn              Prison mug shots

38. Dream of Californication      All 3 pushed into individual cells
39. Dream of Californication

Friday, 11 October 2013

PLANNING: Californication Lyric Analysis


Psychic spies from China      (just before song starts, Band Scene)
Try to steal your mind's elation
Little girls from Sweden                           Dream figure (big boobs and bum)
Dream of silver screen quotations       Different cuts of nails
And if you want these kind of dreams
It's Californication

It's the edge of the world
And all of western civilization
The sun may rise in the East                   Gym scene (weights lifted, yoga poses)
At least it settles in the final location
It's understood that Hollywood
sells Californication

Pay your surgeon very well                                      Surgeon (from patients POV, crazy surgeon has stitches for mouth)
To break the spell of aging
Celebrity skin is this your chin            Mirror scene (playing with cheeks)
Or is that war your waging

First born unicorn
Hard core soft porn                Band scene
Dream of Californication
Dream of Californication

Marry me girl be my fairy to the world Bubble Bath
Be my very own constellation
A teenage bride with a baby inside
Getting high on information
And buy me a star on the boulevard    Champagne
It's Californication

Space may be the final frontier Snapback snatch
But it's made in a Hollywood basement
Cobain can you hear the spheres
Singing songs off station to station      Pimp My Ride scene (number plates, shopping bags, seat covers)
And Alderaan's not far away
It's Californication

Born and raised by those who praise Throwing money out window of car
Control of population everybody's been there and Policemen chasing us
I don't mean on vacation

First born unicorn
Hard core soft porn                Prison mug shots
Dream of Californication       All 3 pushed into individual cells
Dream of Californication

Tuesday, 8 October 2013


'Pimp my ride' 

One of the things you think of associating with California is pimped out cars, so show off how much money you have. 

We came up with the idea of using Ellie's car as the basis of our pimped out car for our music video Californication. We immediately thought that most pimped cars in California have a personalised number plate that says something personal on it. This was a great concept for us as recently Ellie had acquired a personalised number plate and this could useful in filming the video as we could show the transfer of the original plate to the new one that is 'pimped and personal'. 

We also associated wealthy female Californians with little dogs that they take everywhere they go for image purposes. Ellie has a cocker spaniel which isn't a really small dog, but they aren't too big either and therefore we thought we could use the dog for the filming in the car. The dog would sit on the front seat of the car, with a bow on the head of the dog to show that it's the prized possession of the Californian girl (Ellie). Max does know a friend with Chiwawas and we were considering asking him if we could use them but theres a strong chance we may not be able to use them.

We also thought that the car's inside would be very wealthy looking and girly, with pink fluffy cushions and pink dice hanging from the mirror etc, with even some of the car seats having pink covers of some sort accompanied by shopping bags with expensive designers on the bag to show the wealth that is shown or said to be shown in California. 

'Bubble bath'

We came up with the idea of different types of 'bubbles' signifying the Californian image of wealth. 

One scene we were planning to have someone in the group lying down in a bubble bath relaxing to signify the dream like place that California is and how relaxing it is supposed to be. Champagne also came to mind when thinking about 'bubbles' and this is a good thing to include in filming as Champagne signifies wealth, as you only have it on special occasions whereas in the California, the video can portray that the character in the video has it most days.